Hello All:

I have been following the discussion of the past few days with some
interest.  One thing that strikes me about the change in the organization
of the stable tree is that I have seen no simple instructions on how to
make use of the updates in the bo-updates driectory since they are not
linked to a version of the stable tree.

There has been some mention of using dpkg-ftp but one still has to tell
dselect where to find the information about the packages and if they are
not in the stable tree, they will not be found.  The problem is the same
if one (as I do, with my own mirror) use the nfs method.

Could someone please explain the new methods?



    *                            Carlo U. Segre                           *
    *      Department of Biological, Chemical and Physical Sciences       *
    *        Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL 60616          *
    *   Voice: (312) 567-3498                      FAX: (312) 567-3494    *
    *                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]                            *

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