>>"Eloy" == Eloy A Paris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Eloy> I think THIS IS THE PROBLEM with the new scheme: there is not a
Eloy> separate directory where you can get all the updates separately,
Eloy> you have to go to the stable directory because updates are
Eloy> merged directly into the main distribution. This is what I don't
Eloy> like.

        This is not policy. The packages in the updates directory are
 release candidates, open for testing. When they are released, they
 will be put in a numbered directory. Untill then, they are
 use-at-your-own-risk packages. Not as bad as unstable, but not
 released either.


 "Marriage is low down, but you spend the rest of your life paying for
 it." Baskins
Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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