On Mon, 29 Sep 1997 23:32:21 PDT David Stern ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

> I'm having an irregular experience with mke2fs.  I'm attempting to
> format /dev/sda16 and message says:
> >  debian# mke2fs -v /dev/sda16
> >  mke2fs 1.10, 24-Apr-97 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
> >  /dev/sda16 is entire device, not just one partition!
> >  Proceed anyway? (y,n)
> But /dev/sda16 is just a 500MB partition, not an entire device:
>   [..]
>   /dev/sda4          147      147      527  3060382+   5  Extended
>   [..]
>   /dev/sda16         463      463      527   522081   83  Linux native
> I tried changing the beginning and ending cylinders, to no avail.  Why
> does mke2fs think /dev/sda16 is the entire drive?

Because /dev/sda16 has major 8, minor 16, which is the major/minor pair for 
/dev/sdb: look at 'ls -l /dev/sda16 /dev/sdb'. BTW, you have created sda16 
yourself didn't you :-)
There is an infortunate 15 partition limit on PCs.


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