On Thu, 2 Oct 1997, David Stern wrote:

> On Thu, 2 Oct 1997, David Wright wrote:
> > On Wed, 1 Oct 1997, David Stern wrote:
> >
> > [..Deleted stuff for brevity..]
> > 
> > > Are you merely a stickler for detail, or does it concern you that
> > > devices exist which have little (if any) practical use and are
> > > potentially problematic? 
> > 
> > Yes, I'm afraid I'm a stickler for detail. It looks like the (old, if 
> > that's what you used; it's certainly what I used) installation disks are 
> > broken if they have /dev/sda16 on them. If /you/ had created /device/, then 
> > the problem might have only been present on your system. That's what I 
> > understood Philippe to be implying with "BTW, you have created sda16 
> > yourself didn't you :-)".

> So, I suppose that creating 16 scsi devices was merely an oversight, and
> likewise that creating 20 ide devices was roughly the same, thus devices
> 16-20 serve no practical purpose (unless obfuscation counts), correct?

/usr/doc/util-linux/README.fdisk.gz says:

  You can have up to 64 partitions on a single IDE disk, or up to 16
  partitions on a single SCSI disk, at least as far as Linux is
  concerned; in practice you will rarely want so many. 

Maybe that's why the debian maintainer created 16 scsi devices?  

David Stern

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