On Tue, 13 Jan 1998, Sudhakar Chandrasekharan wrote:

> * I am downloading the entire hamm binary-i386, contrib and non-free
> tree to a directory (actually, my home directory) on an NFS server.  Is
> there a possibility that NFS might stop working during the upgrade
> process?
Why don't you just use dselect's "ftp" upgrade method?  Much simpler than
downloading the whole thing.

> * Could some kind soul who has gone through the upgrade process give me
> a roadmap?  The Mini-HOWTO, though useful, does not provide information
> on how to upgrade the other packages once I have done the basic
> upgrading.  Can I start using dselect after following the instructions
> in the mini-HOWTO?
1) Follow the mini-howto.
2) fire up dselect,  select "ftp" as the method,  point it at
ftp.debian.org,  use /debian/hamm/hamm/main/binary-i386 as the
3) select the packages you want to upgrade (select all of them if you
really want to upgrade them all :)
4) hit "install" and let it run.

You'll have to repeat 2-4 using /debian/hamm/hamm/contrib/binary-i386 and
/debian/hamm/hamm/non-free/binary-i386 to get contrib and non-free.


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