On Tue, 13 Jan 1998, Sudhakar Chandrasekharan wrote:

> I read the mini HOWTO and reports in this mailing list about unstable
> being "stable enough".  My machine is kind of a production server.  The
> world would not end if it goes down for a day or so.  But still it is
> important to have it up and running ASAP.  I am planning on upgrading to
> hamm later today.  I have a few questions before I set off -
> * I am downloading the entire hamm binary-i386, contrib and non-free
> tree to a directory (actually, my home directory) on an NFS server.  Is
> there a possibility that NFS might stop working during the upgrade
> process?

Remote NFS filesystems won't break, that is built into the kernel.
Exported NFS filesystems will be off for the time it takes to update

> * Could some kind soul who has gone through the upgrade process give me
> a roadmap?  The Mini-HOWTO, though useful, does not provide information
> on how to upgrade the other packages once I have done the basic
> upgrading.  Can I start using dselect after following the instructions
> in the mini-HOWTO?

Yes, after upgrading the core packages and bash and perl, everything else
can be upgraded by pointing dselect to a hamm mirror and running though
the install/configure routine a few times (3-4 probably).

Check out http://stormcrow.ml.org/pub/debian/autoup/ which now has a
script to upgrade all the core packages in the correct order.

> * I have compiled and installed some packages under /usr/local/ (pgsql,
> ssh, socks etc.).  I guess I have compiled these with libc5.  Is there a
> possibility that they would stop working when I upgrade to libc6?

Libc5 and libc6 coexist fine on a system, the libc5-based librarys are
simply moved to an alternate location, similar to the a.out transition.

> * I am running something > 1.3.1.r4  Should I get hold of the libc5
> libraries (from gate.net) that don't conflict with libc6 and upgrade
> after installing these libraries?

That's not necessary with the upgrade script I mentioned above.

Scott K. Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 http://www.gate.net/~storm/

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