On Tue, 13 Jan 1998, Scott Ellis wrote:

> On Tue, 13 Jan 1998, Sudhakar Chandrasekharan wrote:
> > * I am downloading the entire hamm binary-i386, contrib and non-free
> > tree to a directory (actually, my home directory) on an NFS server.  Is
> > there a possibility that NFS might stop working during the upgrade
> > process?
> Remote NFS filesystems won't break, that is built into the kernel.
> Exported NFS filesystems will be off for the time it takes to update
> netstd.

upgrade netbase and netstd by hand with dpkg before running dselect to
minimise NFS downtime.

1. run the auto upgrade script to get safely to a libc6 system
2. run "dpkg -i" on netbase and netstd
3. run dselect and upgrade everything.


craig sanders

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