Here, Here!!  I for one would ask that we not divide the list....  I
picked Debian as my first try with Linux after looking at all the
distributions.  I probably jumped in over my head (as you can tell from
the questions I post...  :-) everything I read said Debian was not the
best choice for a newbie to start with.  I have always been impressed
with the amount of support for Debian, and for that reason, this is the
path I took.

I would hope someday to be in the position to "pass it on" and help
others out.

Sometimes when I'm going over the list I find answers to other questions
that I had, somebody else just happened to ask them before I did!  I
always manage to learn something here, even reading the more advanced
stuff...  If I ever get my act together, maybe someday I'll even try to
take on the maintenance of a Debian package...

 Steve Morrill

 PGP Pub key id: 0xF2459FCD
 Debian LINUX.... Where I really want to go today!

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