On Wed, 14 Jan 1998, Tim Thomson wrote:

> Also, should I normally Cc messages to the person I am repling to? They 
> would normally be subscribed anyway, but many of you Cc replies anyway.

I prefer that people cc replies to me,  as well as sending them directly
to the list.  The reason for this is that I'm subscribed to debian-devel,
debian-user,  debian-doc,  kde-user,  kde-devel,  fd-devel,  and about
fifteen other linux lists.  I use procmail to sort out incoming mail,
and the stuff that's sent to/from lists ends up in "debian",  "freedos",
"kde" folders.  Stuff that's send to me (ala a cc in a reply) ends up in
my inbox.  I peruse the mailinglist folders when I get time, but read the
stuff in INBOX immediately -- so if you're directing something to me via
the list,  I won't read it until I read through the mailinglist folders,
which might be hours or even a few days later.

|                       http://www.cis.udel.edu/~lowe/                   |
|                       So don't beg,  and don't plead.                  |
|                   You can't have the heart you make bleed.             |
|                    -- The Beautiful South,  "Love is..."               |

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