I should mention that in the deselect screen, there are headings for
packages that are headed as "obsolete", one being emacs. Does this mean
what I think: that emacs 19.34.? is now obsolete because I've upgraded
around it and now it needs upgrading too? Probobly. 

There are some other packages labeled "obsolete" as well. 

How should this be handled? 

One other question:
Where can I get a CD in the Denver area? I would order a CD of 2.0 but it
seems to still be in a state of flux and I don't want to have a CD which
may or may not have a fully stable Debian system. 



On Wed, 8 Jul 1998, Edward J. Young wrote:

> I have upgraded from 1.3.1 to hamm with some difficulty, but feel like
> I'm getting there. My latest problem is that when invoking emacs from a
> console, I get "segmentation fault", and no emacs. 
> I don't believe that emacs was upgraded during the deselect process so I
> suspect that the version I had (v19.34.?) requires the old libc, though I
> realy don't understand the issues here.
> How do I rectify this?  By running deselect and upgrading Emacs. I'm loath
> to try that since emacs is huge and a download would be epic, but if
> absolutely necessary I will. 
> If it matters, My upgrade went like this: 
> -autoup.sh
> -several more iterations of INSTALL since the first ones resulted in
>  brokenly uninstalled packages. 
> -dselect and running SELECT to get X running (but that's another
>  posting...)
> Now deselect reports no brokenly installed packages and I believe that all
> the necessary packages are now installed. 
> So again, how do I fix emacs? 
> Thanx in advance. 
> Ed

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