On Wed, 8 Jul 1998, Young, Ed wrote:

> Ok, I'm still confused...
> Emacs? Not part of the current distribution? This is alarming. 

No, that's not what I meant.  IIRC, there was once emacs and now
there are emacs19 and emacs20 and no plain "emacs".  If you have a bo 
"emacs" package, you could/should replace it by one of the hamm versions
(I don't use it, so am not sure what differences there are between the

> I'm not sure what you mean by "not to worry" since the upgrade has broken
> Emacs and now it is catagorized as "obsolete" meaning it is not part of the
> current distrubution. 
> I'm certain that there must be a way to fix emacs in hamm. Is it by using
> Deselect, and just selecting it for upgrade? (a loathsome download
> nightmare). 

Probably the safest thing to do would be to run dselect and select
emacs19. This conflicts with emacs and the old version will be removed
when the newer one is installed.

According to the Packages file, emacs19 shows this conflict, while emacs20
does not and would not remove the older version.  They don't appear to
conflict with each other, so presumably one could have both.

> Perhaps I should get a clue on the use of dpkg or apt since it seems most on
> this list avoid deselect in favor of dpkg if only one package is to be
> installed, emacs in this case. 

I typically use dselect with the apt method or apt-get.  apt-get can
determine dependencies and will get the necessary packages, which is an
improvement over dpkg.


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