On Wed, 8 Jul 1998, Edward J. Young wrote:

> I should mention that in the deselect screen, there are headings for
> packages that are headed as "obsolete", one being emacs. Does this mean
> what I think: that emacs 19.34.? is now obsolete because I've upgraded
> around it and now it needs upgrading too? Probobly. 
> There are some other packages labeled "obsolete" as well. 
> How should this be handled? 

I don't know about emacs (not installed here), but any installed packages
not listed in a Packages file are displayed as "obsolete/local".  This
only means that these packages are not part of the current distribution.

I have several of these, such as apt, pine (the old pre-compiled version), 
my custom kernel-image, etc.  Not to worry.


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