On Fri, Jul 10, 1998 at 12:52:52AM +0200, Marcus Brinkmann wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 09, 1998 at 12:20:53PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hi ,
> >  I have a mail account at my ISP which is SMTP. Can somebody please
> > explain to me how to set up smail so that I can send and receive mails
> > from my machine...Right now, I am using netscape mail, but not very
> > comfy with that. (I did look at the HOWTO, but can not make head or tail 
> > out of it)
> Hello Vaidhy,
> please press return evry 80 characters or so, netscape puts whole
> paragraphs in a single line, thank you.
> Start smailconfig (maybe you need to provide option "--force") as root.
> Then choose option (1) Internet host. Answer the questions, it should be
> pretty straightforward, but feel free to ask questions (I use exim, and
> don't rmember the exact questions). The important thing is "smarthost",
> which should be YES and set to your SMTP host name.
> You are done.

I ran into a slight problem using that config with smail. Perhaps I
just didn't answer the questions properly?  My config file ended up
with a visible host name of worldnetla.net (my ISP domain), which was
ok. The hosts line ended up "worldnetla.net, sales.mmi.bus" which was
not ok. (sales.mmi.bus is local host name, not registered). The
line for additional (more?) hostnames had "localhost".  Result was
I could send email to anybody as long as they were not in my ISP
domain.  Smail tried to deliver mail to my ISP domain locally.

Solution (maybe not politically correct, but it works): deleted the
line for more hostnames, changed line for hosts to "localhost", and
it started working correctly.  I don't remember the actual config
tags for these lines (running sendmail now) but they are at the top
of the generated config file.


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