> > I am using smail and fetchmail. It is working, altough I have to add a 
> > Reply-To field becuase the recpiants can't find my machine from the 
> > Internet. 
> > Note that my machine is called rakefet. I am the user shaul. My ISP login 
> > name 
> > is beitamos and my ISP's mail server is mail.inter.net.il
> > Hope it will help.  
> Since you have got your MUA to add the reply-to, why not configure
> it to send your correct From address instead? I cannot imagine why anyone
> would go around with a broken from address.

1) I am adding a Reply-To by hand to every letter I am writing. I couldn't 
figured out how to do it automaticaly.
2) Can someone direct me on how to change the From field from my MUA ? That 
too I couldn't figured out myself. Furthermore: Isn't such a thing causes 
dificullties to smail ?
I am using exmh 1.6 on a bo system.
3) I wouldn't go with a broken From address if I knew how it could be solved. 
As was pointed out many times in the past on this list, it is a bit of a 
problem - at least on bo systems.

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