>Just to add my experiences of win95 into the frey, i have also done the
>swap thing and while after a lot of rebooting in managed to recover, on
>other hand my bro's machine is almost identical to mine (only minor
>differences lijke graphics card, HD make) failed miserable to survive
>same swap, it just shows that if you make any major hardware changes
best to
>reinstall. (apart from the fact that windows is a joke)
Fray is right! Say, did you try an Alpha MB, Z-80 or 6809 maybe? How
well does an Apple PPC MB swap work? Since Linux doesn't survive such
swaps any better than anyone else, what are you writing about to begin
with? If this is yet-another herd like MS bash, think about using IRC or
the National Enquirer. Better yet, why not spend your time writing some
software. Linux could use things like Delphi, Access, Excel, DBase, SQL
Server... well you get the picture.

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