Thanks for writing.

I'm not sure what table you are referring too. But xdm is not running as
shown by ps -a. And using the xdm script in init.d does nothing too. The
xdm-errors file is empty. As you can tell, I did investigate the problem
to the limits of my knowledge before I asked the list. I suspect it to be
an internal problem of xdm or a function of some not comman setting I'm

By the way, kdm does the same thing.

On Thu, 6 Aug 1998, Paul McDermott wrote:

>Hello, first is xdm started, is there an xdm process in the table?  If not
>do as root /etc/init.d/xdm start  That should give the logon screen for X.
>Let me know how things work.  also if you suspect xdm errors look at the
>file /var/log/xdm-errors.
>Hope this helps
>On Thu, 6 Aug 1998, BG Lim wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've been using Debian 1.3 now for some time. Recently, I thought of using
>> xdm to log on instead. However when I type xdm, nothing happens and I get
>> the prompt back.
>> So, as root, I typed 'xdm -debug 1' and this is the result:
>> ...
>> creating socket 177
>> xdm error (pid 244): error 98 binding socket address 177
>> Nothing left to do, exiting
>> #
>> ...
>> Can anyone help me? I haven't tampered with any of the default settings,
>> except to insert 'start-xdm' in the config file in the X preferences
>> directory.
>> BG
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