On Wed, 28 Oct 1998, Jerry E. McGoveran wrote:

> At 06:37 PM 10/28/98 -0600, Andy Kennedy wrote:
> >On Wed, 28 Oct 1998, Jerry E. McGoveran wrote:
> >
> >> I have a Debian installation in which the ethernet card driver is
> >> apparently not installed.  There were some errors at this stage of
> >> the installation process, but the screen drew and reset to the inst.
> >> menu too fast to read anything.  I finished the installation, and
> >> now I need to update the kernel and the drivers.  I can't compile a
> >> kernel (downloaded 2.0.35 src) because I don't have gcc.  I can't install
> >> the gcc package because I don't have network access in Linux - only under
> >> Win95.A
> >
> >Gcc is available at sunsite.unc.edu and most of the mirrors.  Download it
> >w/ win95 and then use tar to "unpack" it.  
> Oh.  I had assumed that it had to be installed via the package route.
> Silly me.
The package route is still better, but you don't have to use dselect.
Download packages using Win95, then mount vfat partition from within linux
and use "dpkg -i pakcagename.deb" to install it.


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