First of all, thanks to everyone who responded.  Using dpkg is just what
I needed to do.

However, I now have run into a new problem.  I've installed the gcc, 
binutils, make and patch packages and their dependancies.  I patched
the 2.0.35 kernal.  I followed the instructions at the 
website.  Ran make config, make dep, make clean.  No obvious problems
to this point.

Then I ran make zImage (takes awhile!) and it aborted with the following

as86 -0 -a -o bootsect.o bootsect.s
make[1]: as86: Command not found
***[bootsect.o] Error 127
***[zImage] Error 2

Peeking into the Makefiles, I found as86 defined so:

        as86=$(CROSS_COMPILE)as86 -0 -a

but I was unable to find a def for CROSS_COMPILE.  I ran "find / *as86"
and there were no files found.  Is there another package I need to

Thanks for the help,


At 08:19 AM 10/29/98 +0100, Helge Hafting wrote:
>In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 10/28/98 
>   at 12:53 PM, "Jerry E. McGoveran" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>>I have a Debian installation in which the ethernet card driver is
>>apparently not installed.  There were some errors at this stage of the
>>installation process, but the screen drew and reset to the inst. menu too
>>fast to read anything.  I finished the installation, and now I need to
>>update the kernel and the drivers.  I can't compile a kernel (downloaded
>>2.0.35 src) because I don't have gcc.  I can't install the gcc package
>>because I don't have network access in Linux - only under Win95.
>>My Linux installation has a 2.0.32 kernel with 2.0.34 drivers, and this
>>is probably why the drivers don't work.  I'm using the 2.0.32 kernel
>>because the 2.0.34 kernel wasn't working with my AHA2842 SCSI adapter.
>>1)  Can I get there from here?
>>2)  How do I install a package assuming I can get the .deb files onto a
>>mounted filesystem?  Dselect asks for a series of directory pathnames,
>>and complains when it doesn't find various files and directories within
>Use dpkg.  It is guaranteed to be installed, dselect itself use dpkg for
>installing packages. Use 
>dpkg -i /mountpoint/directories/package_filename.deb
>This is the manual way for installing debian packages, and the advantage 
>over installing tar-files is that the package management system is used. 
>Dependencies are checked, installation scripts are run, and everything is
>set up correctly in the proper directories.
>gcc and lots of other software is available as debian packages from
>>3)  Is there a direct way to update the kernel and/or drivers without
>>having to compile a kernel or use dselect?
>Dselect is not necessary.  It is an interface when dealing
>with the entire debian distribution.  (You don't want to
>run ftp and dpkg for each of 50 packages you may want to install.) I
>suggest getting gcc, kernel sources and the other utilities needed for
>development (make and such)  
>Then compile a 2.0.35 kernel with the drivers you need.  You may use
>dselect for installing further packages when the network is up and
>running. You can update the kernel by compiling it - or by getting a
>compiled kernel from someone else.  Compiling it yourself is easy though,
>and you can set it up for exactly the hardware you have.
>If you have cdrom consider getting the debian cd for about $2 from
> or similiar places.  It may save you a lot of time.
>>4)  Should I give up on Debian and go buy the RedHat CD and hope for
>>better results?
>No need, but do as you wish.  
>>5)  Why did I want a Linux system in the first place?  :/
>It is certainly a good idea if you have a pc :-)
>Helge Hafting
Certus Consulting Group               | Specializing in Integrated Circuit
Antioch, CA 94509                     | Design and Verification, Logic
(925)757-0685                         | Synthesis, Fault Grading, and
<>               | Test Development

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