Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| This will probably be one of those questions that EVERYBODY knows the
| answer to, so "why are you asking such dumb questions, Kent?" However,
| being entrenched in the Windows world where you didn't do such things, I
| wanted to ask before I hosed something.

The only dumb questions are the ones that aren't asked! 

| Can I switch to another virtual terminal and start X Windows while I've
| got something else going on in the first vterm, such as a download or a
| dselect session, etc? 

Absolutely. You can switch to VT2 and whip that startx right onto the
command line (well, you might have to log in first, but you get the
drift). Actually, you can even start it in the background and still
have that VT available, I think. X, by default, always starts on VT7
(i.e., Ctrl+Alt+F7).

| And if I can, once I'm in X, how do I then get back to where I can see how
| the download is progressing? Do I just Ctrl-Alt-F[key] back to the
| original vterm, or can I bring up the process in an Xterm or something
| similar?

Bringing the output up in an xterm would be a trick, but yes, you can
simply switch back to the VT of your choice using Ctrl+Alt+F[1-6].

| Again, sorry if this sounds like I'm a complete idiot (I usually try to
| hide the evidence).

I don't even bother TRYING to hide it anymore! :)


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