> I tried putting a running program (lynx) in the background by pressing ^Z,
> and then started X Windows and thought maybe I could foreground the app in
> an Xterm, but I guess either I don't know what I'm doing or it just
You can't foreground it in some *other* VT/xterm as far as
I know.  You could have backgrounded it in the *same* VT though,
before starting X.
> doesn't work. I ran ps to find the PID of the job (say 14096), then typed
> "fg 14096", but I get a reply that there is no such job.  Did I do
fg work with job numbers, not process id's.
> something wrong along the way, or is this just not going to work?

The next time you want this functionality, try this:

1. start lynx or whatever.  Don't use ctrl+z
2. Switch to another console (alt F2-6)
3. log in and start x there.
4. When you want to check how your download is doing, use
   ctrl+alt+F1 for switching to that console.  Then use
   alt+F7 for switvhing back to X.  

Or consider this:
1. start x first.
2. open several xterms (or rxvt's or whatever you prefer)
3. start your download in one of those xterms.
Use virtual desktops if your screen get cluttered with too many xterms.

Helge Hafting

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