Subject: Can I start X while other stuff going on?
        Date: Tue, Nov 10, 1998 at 07:44:16PM -0600

In reply to:Kent West

Quoting Kent West([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> This will probably be one of those questions that EVERYBODY knows the
> answer to, so "why are you asking such dumb questions, Kent?" However,
> being entrenched in the Windows world where you didn't do such things, I
> wanted to ask before I hosed something.
> Can I switch to another virtual terminal and start X Windows while I've
> got something else going on in the first vterm, such as a download or a
> dselect session, etc? 
> And if I can, once I'm in X, how do I then get back to where I can see how
> the download is progressing? Do I just Ctrl-Alt-F[key] back to the
> original vterm, or can I bring up the process in an Xterm or something
> similar?

>From a console running 'anything' you can go to another console, via
Alt-F[1-6].  In that console start X (isn't a REAL OS Great!).  The X
screen will be on F7 ( if you haven't modified anything in
/etc/inittab yet). Now you are in X, go to the other consoles now with
Ctrl-Alt [F1-6] and back to X with Alt-F7.

> Again, sorry if this sounds like I'm a complete idiot (I usually try to
> hide the evidence).

Sorry to disagree, an idiot would not have had the sense to ask.  Keep
asking and enjoy the GNU generation!

> -- 
> Kent West
> KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
> Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!
> -- 
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"Yes, I don't have one."
"Okay, you can send mail to one of the tutors ..."
                -- E. D'Azevedo, Computer Science 372

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