On Wed, Dec 30, 1998 at 02:59:13PM -0700, John Greer wrote:
> I was installing GS and magicfilter last night (Hamm, krnl 2.0.34) so 
> that I can print from Netscape etc.  I renamed my old printcap and 
> ran magicfilterconfig.  The result being that I can print text and but 
> still not postscript.  Is there a howto somewhere that I can read??  
> The printer I am using is a Panasonic 1124 (dot  matrix) I used the 
> epsonlq-filter in magicfilter.  I also would like to not have it print the 
> header page.  Thanks!  

I've found the Printing-HOWTO invaluable for all things printer related.

Rafael Kitover

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