On 09-Feb-99 Steve Lamb wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Tue, 9 Feb 1999 15:56:11 -0500, Christian Lavoie wrote:
>>Debian's harder to install. One guy mentionned he could install Red Hat in
>>less than 15 minutes. Hard to have something fully up at that speed with
>     A liar, for sure since a reasonable install would take more than 15
> minutes, much less "fully up to speed."  To contradict it here is a person,
> me, who had a hell of a time getting Red Hat to install but has no problems,
> at all, with Debian and I FTP install each time over a modem.

Several people have told me that as newbies (first time install) they got
RedHat up and on the net in 15 minutes, but I don't believe any of them.


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