On Tue, Mar 09, 1999 at 02:06:18PM -0800, Steve Lamb wrote:
> >The ability of some IRCers to blatantly ban entire countries because of the
> >acts of a few is why EfNet is in a decline.  Too many little kids fighting
> >for "power" in a virtual medium.  It's funny in a sad sort of way.
>     It was on dal.net and undernet, not efnet.  I've not been on efnet in 5+
> years for other reasons.  And in each case we were justified.  When we get
> 20-30 people form the same country trying to clone us off a channel each
> week and maybe 1-2 "legit" users each month for maybe 10 minutes, well, you
> do the math.

Yeah, why should we try to improve our social life when a simple ban command
makes us feel powerful.

Banning and ignoring is the simplest way to deal with social problems.


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