On Tue, Mar 09, 1999 at 03:40:22PM -0800, Steve Lamb wrote:
> >I would try talking to them, inviting them to participate in whatever the
> >channels mission is, what else could I do?
>     Then you don't understand the nature of these people.  It is like going
> into alt.nuke-the-usa (I think that is it) and trying to rationally discuss
> topics with anyone there.

No, it is not the same. In the one case, the other one is making the effort
to come to you, in the latter case you are making an effort. Such a
discussion is obviously not welcome on this newsgroup, why should I annoy
>     For reference, antu is a newsgroup dedicated to going into other
> newsgroups and starting flamewars just to do it.

There are always (at least) two parties participating in a flamewar.


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