Assuming it was the CIH virus (and there's an excellent chance it 
was) here's an extract from DataFellows web site about this virus:

> What makes the CIH case really serious is that the virus activates
> destructively. When it happens the virus overwrites most of the
> data on the computers hard drive. This can be recovered with recent
> backups. 
> However, the virus has another, unique activation routine: It will
> try to overwrite the Flash BIOS chip of the machine. If this
> succeeds, the machine will be unable to boot at all unless the chip
> is reprogammed. The Flash routine will work on many types of
> Pentium machines - for example, on machines based on the Intel
> 430TX chipset. On most machines, the Flash BIOS can be protected
> with a jumper. By default, protection is usually off. 

So even if you do have a data backup your BIOS is probably fried.

For more information see:

Good luck

On 27 Apr 99, at 12:38,  Mitch Blevins 
 wrote about Re: Hit by virus !? Help, please...:

> In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
> > after my kid was playing games on win95 yesterday
> > evening i was unable to boot into Linux - actually unable
> > to boot into win95 also... Looks like some kind of
> > virus destroyed boot sector with partition table.
> > 
> > i can remember approximate partition sizes and order.
> > 
> > Is there any way to recover partition table and the system
> > as well ?
> You got hit with the CIH virus.  It was well publicized at least
> a week prior to the detonation date (yesterday).  All reports that
> I have seen don't hold much hope for recovering without a full reinstall.
> (hope you backed up your data..)
> It is an unfortunate fact that if you want to run Windows on a machine
> nowadays, you must pay tribute to the antivirus gods or suffer their
> wrath from time to time.
> -Mitch

   Jan M.        -  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Thought for the day:
    Concerto (n): a fight between a piano and a pianist.

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