On Tue, Apr 27, 1999 at 01:08:44PM -0400, Jan Muszynski wrote:
> So even if you do have a data backup your BIOS is probably fried.
> For more information see:
> http://www.datafellows.com/v-descs/cih.htm

It was only a matter of time before a virus came along which could flash
your BIOS. I'll tell you what scares me even more though -- Western Digital
have published firmware updates for IDE drives on occasion, which leads
me to assume they have flash BIOS in there too. My video card
(Diamond Viper V330+) is software upgradable too. Most Rockwell modems
are software upgradable too. (AT** then Xmodem upload.)

Lots of motherboards have socketed ROM chips, so you can fix them with
a ROM programmer. Not so on video cards and hard disks.

Hamish Moffatt VK3TYD. 
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

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