On 14 May, Tommy Malloy wrote:
> I added Staroffice to the Gnome menu, but it does not appear when I use
> icewm-gnome as my window mangager.  It does appear if I run gnome with
> other window managers including icewm.  icewm-gnome must be reading a
> different config file or something.  Can anyone tell me how to get it to
> do what I  want?
> Thanks
> Tom
Well what you want to look at, is the menu of the gnome panel :-) That
will contain StarOffice.

The window-manager specific menus will indeed not contain programs you
added manually, since they are configured from the Debian menu system;
ie; when you add a Debian packages it can register itself with the
windowmanager menus. But the windowmanager menus don't have much to do
with the Gnome panel menu...

I'm not sure where the ICEWm menu is stored, probably in the ~/.icewm
directory :-)
Also, there's supposedly a way to add your own entries to the Debian
menus, but I don't yet know how exactly that works :-)


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