Hi Tim

Thanks for the help.  Perhaps I was not clear

> Well what you want to look at, is the menu of the gnome panel :-) That
> will contain StarOffice.

This is correct.  Staroffice does appear in the menu of the gnome panel.
I added it using the gnome menuing utility.  However Staroffice does not
appear anywhere when I use icewm-gnome. icewm-gnome is a version of
icewm preconfigured to run gnome.  It is a separate deb and a separate
manager from regular icewm.  This must mean that gnome runing in
icewm-gnome must be reading a different config file from regular gnome.
fvwm+gnome has staroffice, fvwm2+gnome has staroffice, windowmaker+gnome
has staroffice icewm+gnome has staroffice etc.  
icewm-gnome does not have staroffice.  icewm-gnome must be reading a
differnet menu file. Running as root, I issued the following  command   
 "find / -name ice* | most"   I found no icewm-gnome config files

> I'm not sure where the ICEWm menu is stored, probably in the ~/.icewm
> directory :-)

There is no ~/.icewm or ~/icewm-gnome directory
I can live without this. I am actually using windowmaker now.  It seems
pretty cool  I looked briefly at enlightenment. It is quite hedious, but
that another story.  I just don't like when I don't understand stuff
that should be pretty simple.  Anyway thanks again for the help

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