On 16-May-99 Vladimir G Stanishev wrote:
> i downloaded all the files and the installer package from teh debian site
> adn everything seemed to install fine.  everytime I type swriter hwoever a
> setup program starts and it doesn't have the user installation option that
> the readme mentions.  just four options - modify, upgrade uninstall and
> repair.  I cna't make anything of thsi, how do I get staroffice running?
> vladimir.

Be very careful.  I tried to reinstall SO after updating to potato and I broke
my system by running their script.  I should have known better; my fault not
theirs.  I am still putting my system back together after a reinstall.

BTW is there something wrong with Cheapbytes CD's?  Good thing I still had my
base disks to start with.

I will not install SO until they get a fixed version for glibc2.


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