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On Sat, 22 May 1999 23:45:39 -0500, Stephen Pitts wrote:

>Why not just have multiple instances of Communicator?

    Then that wouldn't be a single application, would it?

>It sounds to me like you've become so attached to this particular piece of
>software that you believe that you can't work any other way.

    Oh, I know I can.  But not as efficiently.

>Don't yell, I'm not responsible for your problems. 

    That wasn't yelling, that was emphasis for a point I knew you would miss.
You are, in part, responisble for my problems.  You are part of the crowd that
keeps harping that *your* way is *the* way to the exclusion of all others.

>In the past, Linux users faced with a problem have programmed around it.
>Thus, we have a dozen different window managers and a dozen different mail
>clients. But, now, we are faced with a new group of users that whine all day
>long, but don't lift a finger to solve the problem. What a shame!

    New?  I addressed that in the last message.  I also addressed that I
cannot program.  Most people can't you know.  I've also pointed out that I am
not opposed to paying for others to program something I would like.  That is
why I have an offer up on the Software Bazaar and when that one is fulfilled
I'll pay for more *OPEN SOURCE* development.

- -- 
         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- -------------------------------+---------------------------------------------

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