On Tuesday, June 08, 1999 at 23:26:35 -0600, Craig McPherson wrote:
 > Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 > Subject: Re: BE MORE SIMPLE!!!!
 > X-mailer: Pegasus Mail for Win32 (v3.02b14)
 > X-UIDL: d2077d16c3127d4bf73a47a47027a8d9

 > As one Debian newbie to another,

As a non-newbie ...

 > Thirty minutes is NOT that long to spend on a Linux problem.

... I can offer a resounding AMEN to that!  Linux is about learning
(a.k.a. RTFM, etc.) and the best part of the problem solving process is
the learning that you get out of it en route to a solution.

Learning to *enjoy* the learning process is the best skill a Linux newbie
can acquire.  Not doing so is, well, unwise at best, and likely to lead
to a very brief time using Linux before giving up, IMO.

 > Be patient, read all the documentation you can find, 
 > try stuff, and then read the documentation again.


 > 3.  Off-topic:  if you did want to download an entire large FTP 
 > directory, downloading the files individually would NOT be wise, 
 > when there are so many freeware FTP programs that can do such a 
 > job for you.  Check Tucows under the FTP section if you ever need 
 > to download a lot of files from an FTP site.  However, there's no
 > need to do that to install Debian... apt-get does a wonderful job.

I'm not sure what Tucows is, but wget will handle this, as will a number
of other Debian packages that I've seen.  But yes, apt-get is wonderful,
isn't it? :-)  Anyone running a Debian system who hasn't met apt-get is
in for a pleasant surprise.

        # apt-get update ; apt-get install wget
... acquires, installs and configures the package I mentioned above.


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