I do not want to continue the line, but I could not withold some comments:

The moral from the original rather rash message can serve very good the
whole Linux/Debian community. It is indeed very hard to convince people to
use Linux when the starting informaiton is filled with jargon. The users
coming from the M$ world are definitly used to be lazy in brains. I meen
no disrespect, but M$ makes you forget thinking. (Cf the subscription! :-)

I would suggest an other install description with step-by-step texts of
what to do. And redesinging Debian web site can help a lot.

Gabor Urban --- Lufthansa Systems Hungaria KfT 
mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tel : (36)-1-431-2949 Fax :(36)-1-431-2977
I am not a cat to play with the mouse.

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