*- On 14 Jun, Jan Vroonhof wrote about "Re: default ungziped /usr/doc/*/* ?"
> "Steve Lamb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> >>     find . -name \*.gz | xargs gunzip
>> >Of course, if he did this, he shouldn't expect the system to
>> >upgrade cleanly anymore, and worse, remocving the packages won't
>> >delete the uncompressed files.
>>     Hey, his system, he wants to mangle it instead of learning zless, zmore,
>> zgrep, etc, that's his perogative.  I'm only more than happy to help him
>> along.  ;)
> It would be nice if the package system supported something like this
> (i.e. would consider both the normal and the gz version as part of the 
> package). Not all formats have "zxxx" equivalents yet (dvi comes to
> mind).
> Jan

This was discussed on debian-devel last October.  See 
for the start of the thread.

Don't hold your breath on dpkg supporting both compressed and
uncompressed files.  A quote from Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in
the thread I think sums up a number of the developers feelings on this.

       "There is no reason ever to uncompress a file (lesspipe and
 lessopen make it unnecessary). When I uncomress(sic) a file, it is done
 for a reason, and dpkg had bloody well leave it alone."

Mechanical Engineering                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University                   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

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