>> Not good.  If the html is hacked so that links work while it is
    >> compressed, then when someone UNcompresses it, the links will
    >> break.  This would certainly be a surprising effect of unzpping
    >> html files.

    > Then don't do that!  :-)

    > My point is that files should work as installed by dpkg.  If you
    > uncompress them, then you're on your own wrt upgrading, package
    > purging, and yes, even wrt the package working correctly.  There
    > are lots of _surprising effects_ after unzipping packaged files.

BOA transparently looks for a gzipped file if it cannot find an
uncompressed version of a document.  If other web servers don't do
this it would be a good idea to add this feature and enable it by

Please do not insert links to compressed html files into a document.
I've disabled Navigator's encoding filters, since I don't want Navigator
to decompress files and make it impossible to verify signatures and

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