> Quoting Stephen Pitts([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > If you wish to start a new thread on the list, 
> > PLEASE send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > DO NOT just reply to any old message in your mailbox.
> > If you do that, then the threading gets messed up,
> > and it doesn't display right in the archives, or
> > in threaded mail clients like mutt.


> Might it be that these mail programs have poor docs?  Might it be that
> the people that use them don't realize how badly these posts mess up
> the display of good MUA's.  Might it be OK for me to recommend that
> they take a look at mutt.

Maybe it would be a good idea to put some `posting guidelines' in the
email that confirms subscription to the list.  Some of my own peeves for
that list would be:

*)  Use a descriptive subject, not `Linux problem', or `help needed', or
`Unidentified Subject!', and certainly not `HELP, URGENT!!!!!!!', but
more something like `Debian won't boot', or `Lost mail with elm'.

*)  Read the list before responding to it.  If you know the answer to a
question, first check if it has not been answered before.  The list is
busy enough as it is without twenty explanations of how to delete a file
named `-r -f *'.

*)  Quote as much as necessary, but not more.  Please put your comments
_below_ relevant quoted text, not above.

*)  Remember people are taking the trouble to reply to your questions in
their own time.  If your question isn't answered the first time, try a
different subject line, don't get angry.  There is no plot to ignore

*)  Information for new users can be found at
    ... Newbie Guidelines ... /usr/share/doc ... etc ...


 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (SKA)

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