*- On 22 Jul, Lee Elliott wrote about "Re: A Pet Peeve about posting on the 
> On 21-Jul-99, you wrote:
> An observation from this Newbie may be related:  I'm also on the Real3D list, 
> which uses MajorDomo, and the postings I get from that list come with the 
> 'Reply To' set to the mailing list whereas the postings from Debian User 
> arrive with 'Reply To' set to the sender.  When I 'Reply' to a posting on the 
> R3D list, I'm prompted to specify either the 'Sender~ _or_ the 'Reply 
> To(mailing list)' address - when I reply to postings from this list I'm not 
> prompted and the 'To' address is automatically set to the 'Sender' - perhaps 
> some tweaks with this list server might improve things.  Obviously, I don't 
> change my mail client (Amiga YAM) config as I read my incoming.
> LeeE

My pet peeve is mail that is all on one line and not properly word
wrapped, such as this one.

This 'Reply-To' thread has been hashed out before.  Search the
debian-user and debian-devel list archives.

Mechanical Engineering                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University                   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

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