> I think you are mixing up the mount point and the device.  
> /floppy/vfat or /floppy/minux would be the mount point.  These
> directories exist on your root partition. (If they don't the mount will
> fail!)  The device is still /dev/fd0.  So to mount the floppy once it
> is formated the command is "mount /dev/fd0 /floppy/vfat -t vfat"
> This says " mount the floppy in device /dev/fd0 on  the mount point
> /floppy/vfat expecting the vfat file system on the diskette.
---end quoted text---

You are absolutely correct!  At some point (maybe in a fit of Winsanity(tm)? )
I had changed the fstab entry to /dev/floppy0. DOH! I've changed it to the
correct /dev/fd0, and all is well..

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