
Boot hangs during the "now booting the kernel" stage can usally be
remedied by using the "Tecra" boot images from the FTP site. 

I had a Toshiba laptop exhibiting the same problem during install and I
followed the instructions at :

The gentleman who wrote these instructions always boots to Windows first
and uses loadlin to load the Linux kernel and system, which I did not want
to do.  Therefore I replaced the "linux" file and the rescue and boot
images he calls out in this document with the "tecra" images, which use
zImage kernel files instead of bzImage files.  Then I was able through the
normal Debian install program to run install LILO to boot the machine.

See the following for more info on the hardware problem that usually
causes this:

There's also problems on some BIOS's where SYSLINUX can't run properly,
but it sounds like you've avoided that one.  If you need the "slow, dumb"
version of SYSLINUX so this problem doesn't happen to you, the "safe"
images are for that...

Anyway, back to the instructions at the top URL...

If you want to install using those instructions and be able to BOOT from
LILO after that:

Download the files he mentions, except...

Get this file     Rename it to
-------------     ------------
drv1440tecra.bin  drv1440.bin
ltecra            linux
resc1440tecra.bin resc1440.bin

This will "trick" the Debian install program into using kernel images that
will boot on your system after installing LILO, if the problem is actually
the bzImage thing.

If you get to step where the system boots the kernel from loadlin and it
still doesn't boot, something else is wrong, and you can disregard this
message and start looking elsewhere. 

Hopefully this is helpful...

Once you get through this process and get the machine actually up and
running with Debian, I'll assure you you'll have some more learning to do.
Dselect is not the most "user friendly" program, but the package
management and support of the package management process (bug lists, etc)
are second to none in the linux world.  

Just try finding a mailing list for RedHat that's this helpful!  (:

Good luck, let us know how it's going!

On Tue, 31 Aug 1999, Cory Rudder wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From:         Cory Rudder  
> Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 1999 12:13
> To:   'Patrick Olson'
> Subject:      RE: FTP Install
> Thanks for your response, For the info of everyone it seems that FTP install
> capabilities are not yet a reality for debian. In my experience installing
> debian is no longer a reality. I have in my possession three different
> debian CD's. One I created on the ftp site, one from cheap bytes, and one
> from the Debian GNU / Linux; Guide to installation and usage. I have tried
> to install all of these CD's on three different machines. I have yet to be
> successful. All of my machines get hung up on the "now booting the kernel.."
> message. I am at a lose for what to do. Maybe I have just been spoiled by
> the ease of which freebsd installs itself. 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Patrick Olson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 1999 11:31
> To:   Cory Rudder
> Subject:      Re: FTP Install
> On Mon, 23 Aug 1999, Cory Rudder wrote:
> > I'm a debian newbie and I would like to ftp install a stable version of
> > debian what file do I need to download to do this? Also recommendations on
> > different versions would be helpful.
> > Thanks.
> It looks like no one answered your question, so I'll give it a try.  I
> don't actually know anything about FTP install, but here's a couple of web
> pages that look like they might help:
> Hope this helps,
> Patrick
> -- 
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