On 12/04/99 02:05PM, Bob Bernstein wrote:
> The new Evil Empire is not RedHat. That's a mistake many of us have made.
> Debian will rue the day it got in bed with Corel. I predict Obergruppenfuhrer
> Cowpland will mount a full court legal press - and soon - to break the GPL.

Break the GPL? I'm not aware of the agreements between Debian and
Corel, but if the GPL could be broken, I would think it would have
been Microsoft and all its bazillions of lawyers to have already done

> Corel doesn't give a farthing for Debian itself, the project and it goals. As
> far as Corel is concerned the dedicated folk who keep this wonderful
> distribution rolling along are just so many bright kids who "don't get it,"
> and I suspect - at least as far as the last claim is concerned - that they are
> right.
> If you think things have changed around here in the past year or so with the
> advent of "Open Source," hang on to your hats; we're in for a real ride, and
> real soon, and it won't be nice to watch...

What do you mean?

 ) Mark Wagnon      ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]      )
(  Chula Vista, CA (  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

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