On Sat, 4 Dec 1999, Pollywog wrote:

pollyw >I don't know whether it is bad or not, but many people who have used it 
pollyw >said it is very easy to install.

One of the things corel lacks is a text based installer, when i d/l the
first real release of it, i went and put it in a machine with a Winbond
graphics chipset, and the install wouldnt even start.  caldera at least
has an option to drop to text mode and install. It wouldnt be hard for
corel to include dselect as an option during installation. 99% of the code
is already there.

provided you got a support vga chip corel should install great.  i wonder
if they have a listing of cards/chips on the box.  im expecting them to
send me my retail copy soon.

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