On Sun, 5 Dec 1999, Colin Watson wrote:

cjw44 >The GPL is not a complicated document. Even I can understand it. And, as
cjw44 >far as I can tell, it *is* legally valid. If you have a suspicion of how
cjw44 >it could be legally broken - particularly in the current climate - I'd
cjw44 >be interested to hear.

I believe GPL-type licenses will only become more important as long as
trade barriers exist between countries and privacy issues are around.  I
read recently that government in india was forbidding institutions like
banks to use U.S. software because of the encryption issues and the fact
they have no idea if there is code in the closed source stuff that enables
the NSA/CIA to get a backdoor into their systems.  I'd be scared too if I
were deploying such sensitive systems.


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