On Sat, 4 Dec 1999, koyote wrote:

koyote >But if you want to *learn* linux- install Debian.

hate to disagree but i always reccomend slackware to those who want to
*learn* linux :) thats how i learned, and i learned quite a bit manually
compiling/installing hundreds of apps on my own.  not that the same cant
be done on debian its just not as likely since there are so many there
waiting for you. talked to my friend a couple weeks ago when he first
installed slackware, he spent an hour trying to mount the cdrom! doh. he
smacked himself pretty hard when i told him what the command was, he tried
everything except the most basic. hah.

koyote >(Also- Debian is the best, IMO, distro for installing on small 
koyote >which can be a concern in laptops.)

last laptop install i did, i installed to a normal PC, imaged the drive,
burned it to cd, and restored the partition to the laptop, was using a old
486 laptop with an unsupported pcmcia cdrom, and the pcmcia NICs i could
get didnt work with it, and i couldnt get a parallel port cdrom working on
it, and the hdd was only 500mb. ack. i love that about linux though,
install it on one machine, copy it to another running totally different
hardware and there is no problem, most times when i do that with win* ack
it gets caught in a hardware detection loop forcing a reinstall.


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