> The .deb packages are archived in /var/cache/apt/archives
> which explains the
> insufficient space message. The packages are installed from there.
> One possible solution, not really kosher, but you might try editing
> /etc/apt/sources.list to go through only 'main' complete that
> much of the
> upgrade, delete the .deb files in /var/cache/apt/archives so
> you won't run
> out of free space; then run apt-get to go through only
> 'contrib', etc. I
> have NOT tried this, so I don't know whether it will work or
> whether it will
> come back to haunt you later, so YAMMV ;-)

        My first question is why this is happening. This is a fresh 
installation so
if I have configured the system incorrectly I could easily start over. It
would strike me as odd to think I need a 500 MB /var directory. I would
imagine that most all installations would fail if that were the requirement.
        Barring some more elegant approach, could I use the [S]elect option and
install the required pkgs first and then the important ... ?
        My /var/cache/apt/archives has no sources.list file, the /archives has 
empty lock file and partial directory.  The /apt directory has pkgcache.bin
& srcpkgcache.bin files both at around 724 kbs.

Kind regards,

Hagen Finley
Longs Drugs
Walnut Creek, CA

> Henry White
> On Tue, 28 Dec 1999, Hagen Finley wrote:
> >I'm am still coming to an understanding with dselect. I can
> run a successful
> >[U]pgrade, but when I run [I]nstall I get the following output:
> >
> >0 packages updated 502 newly installed 0 to remove 0 not upgraded.
> >E: Sorry you don't have enough free space in
> /var/cache/apt/archives. Some
> >errors occurred while unpacking. I am going to configure the
> packages that
> >we've installed. This may result in duplicate errors or
> errors caused by
> >missing dependencies. This is OK. Only the errors above this
> message are
> >important. Please fix them and run [I]nstall again.
> >Press enter to continue
> >
> >Installation script returned error exit status 100
> >
> >If I check the system for utilized space /usr only has used
> 23 MBs which
> >suggests that the packages have either not downloaded (no
> time appears to
> >elapse consonant with downloading 400+ MBs)or not installed.
> /var has 112
> >MBs free which ought to be adequate to any logging activity.
> >
> >Its possible that I am failing to select the packages
> properly, but the "502
> >newly installed" suggests that the [I]nstall process
> recognizes the need to
> >install at least 502 new packages. During the install I
> selected the Dial-up
> >profile, but I suspect that selection is overwritten by an
> [U]pgrade. Is
> >there a way to re-select the dial-up profile prior to
> running dselect?
> >
> >Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> >
> >Kind regards,
> >
> >Hagen Finley
> >Longs Drugs
> >Walnut Creek, CA

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