I've seen i think an edition of caldera that comes with oracle..seen it in
a few stores so far..if you want run run a oracle server it may be best to
start with that..im sure other places have it..it was kinda pricey though
..around $90 i think ..


On Wed, 29 Dec 1999, Robert Varga wrote:

robi >
robi >I have tried to install oracle 8.0.5 on a slink machine upgraded to
robi >glibc2.1.2 . Kernel is 2.2.13. The machine is a Pentium-III 600.
robi >
robi >However during install, it could not create the databases since the 
robi >program svrmgrl segfaulted when trying to create the database files.
robi >
robi >I ignored the error and continued the install. It did not create the
robi >database files but did not give any other error messages.
robi >
robi >However when I tried to run sqlplus, it also segfaulted. I presume all
robi >others would segfault as well.
robi >
robi >I managed to install the 8.0.5 on another machine with glibc2.0.7 and
robi >kernel 2.2, so I think the problem is with glibc2.1 
robi >
robi >What should I do to make oracle work?
robi >
robi >Robert Varga
robi >
robi >
robi >-- 
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robi >

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