did you try /dev/scd1 or /dev/scd2 ? it may be a long shot, but it might
work, also what does /proc/scsi/scsi show?   do you have multiple
cdroms? (a cdr and a cdrom maybe?)

are there any other scsi devices on the same chain? can you access
them? if no to either one make sure there is no conflicts between the sb
live and the scsi card.


On Thu, 6 Jan 2000, Alan Eugene Davis wrote:

adavis >Recently, I shuffled some hardware on my working new Potato system;
adavis >mainly, I installed an SB Live sound card (compiled Creative's source
adavis >with both 2.3.35 and 2.2.13, and both worked, _nominally_).  
adavis >
adavis >Now I am having some trouble with the SCSI CD.  The kernel reports the
adavis >SCSI adapter and the CD during boot up messages.  But when I try 
adavis >   mount -tios9660 /dev/scd0 /cdrom
adavis >or to use a cd player, nothing---this is not known to the kernel as
adavis >a block device
adavis >
adavis >>synapse:/home/adavis#  mount -tiso9660 /dev/scd0 /cdrom
adavis >>mount: the kernel does not recognize /dev/scd0 as a block device
adavis >>       (maybe `insmod driver'?)
adavis >>synapse:/home/adavis# 
adavis >
adavis >This is not a module.  SCSI support is compiled into the kernel
adavis >itself.  
adavis >
adavis >Where can I find out the device associated with the recognized drive?  
adavis >
adavis >What else can explain that the kernel reports the device, but it is
adavis >not available to be used?
adavis >
adavis >Thank you for any, even the slightest, clue.  I hope this is not
adavis >off-topic.  
adavis >
adavis >Alan  
adavis >-- 
adavis >
adavis >"An inviscid theory of flow renders the screw useless, but the need
adavis >for one non-existent."    ---Lord Raleigh (John William Strutt),
adavis >                          or else his son, who was also a scientist.
adavis >
adavis >
adavis >
adavis >
adavis >-- 
adavis >Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
adavis >

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