something i forgot to ask

in kernel config did u enable support for scsi cdrom *and* vendor specific
extensions for scsi cdrom (99% of the scsi cdroms need this for whatever
reason) its in the scsi menu in kernel config.

if not, enable it ,recompile and it should work

if it not sure what to suggest :(


On Thu, 6 Jan 2000, Alan Eugene Davis wrote:

adavis >I have three kernels in my lilo configuration.  The original debian
adavis >2.2.13 kernel seems to deal with this ok.  The other two kernels are
adavis >2.2.13 and 2.3.35, both without sound devices, but with sound turned
adavis >on, so I can install the creative sound blaster live module.    The
adavis >two kernels I compiled both give this strange behavior.
adavis >
adavis >
adavis >I tried all kinds of devices, even /dev/sg0, etc.
adavis >
adavis >Here's the /proc/scsi/scsi information:
adavis >
adavis >
adavis >bash-2.03$ cat /proc/scsi/scsi
adavis >Attached devices: 
adavis >Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 04 Lun: 00
adavis >  Vendor: TOSHIBA  Model: CD-ROM XM-6401TA Rev: 1009
adavis >  Type:   CD-ROM                           ANSI SCSI revision: 02
adavis >bash-2.03$ 
adavis >
adavis >Alan 
adavis >
adavis >-- 
adavis >
adavis >"An inviscid theory of flow renders the screw useless, but the need
adavis >for one non-existent."    ---Lord Raleigh (John William Strutt),
adavis >                          or else his son, who was also a scientist.
adavis >
adavis >
adavis >
adavis >
adavis >-- 
adavis >Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
adavis >

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