I have had a very similar problem too... Its almost certainly the termination if you can see all your drives listed during boot. (if a drive is missing there, you'd want to look for a SCSI ID conflict) If you still have problems after termination is 100% correct, it could be a bad SCSI cable.

SCSI is nice once its working. Getting termination right can be a real pain if you're just learning how to deal with SCSI systems.

At 08:39 PM 1/6/00 +0100, Patrick wrote:
Le Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 09:28:13AM +1000, Alan Eugene Davis a dit:
> Now I am having some trouble with the SCSI CD.  The kernel reports the
> SCSI adapter and the CD during boot up messages.  But when I try
>    mount -tios9660 /dev/scd0 /cdrom
> or to use a cd player, nothing---this is not known to the kernel as
> a block device

I had the exact same(?) problem as yours (at least the symptoms where
the same).

After a long time, i've discovered i didn't setup the jumper
correctly on the drive for the termination. It should have been
terminated, as the last hardware on my SCSI bus, but it wasn't (my
The BIOS sees it, linux sees it at boot time, it shows up correctly
in /proc/scsi/scsi but of course i couldn't use it...
I've thaught it couldn't be a termination problem as everyone sees
the disk, but it was... Probably termination is only used for data,
so that a drive can appear correctly but be unable to work if the
termination is not right.

Short story : check (double check, triple check, etc...) your SCSI
bus & drive jumpers wrt SCSI termination.

hope that helps.

Patrick, just himself and a little less.
``I've seen better days...''

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