> > I haven't tried this solution yet with 3.1.8, but I'll give it a shot
> > tomorrow and see if I can get my Xircom modem to work with the latest
> FWIW, my setserial is seeing the port ttyS1, even though it is disabled
> in the bios. /cat/interrupts, OTOH, does not show irq 3, which makes me
> think one of those information is wrong. But the fact that the modem is
> slow while using irq 3... and if I disable ttyS1 through setserial
> command, I can't get ttyS1 (now owned by pcmcia) to work at all with the
> card(s).

My setup now works with the latest PCMCIA.  My serial ports are enabled
in the BIOS, setserial has been purged and I recompiled PCMCIA using
the pcmcia-source package.  The kernel detects a serial port as ttyS0,
irq 3, but card services takes over this port somehow when I insert the
modem card.  IRQ 3 doesn't show up in /proc/interrupts, which seems
strange, but it works.

Don't know if this helps you or not.  I sounds like you may have tried
what I've got already.

Christopher S. Swingley           tel: 907-474-2689 fax: 474-2643
930 Koyukuk Drive, Suite 408C     email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Alaska Fairbanks    www.frontier.iarc.uaf.edu:8080/
Fairbanks, AK  99775                     ~cswingle

PGP key: http://www.frontier.iarc.uaf.edu:8080/~cswingle/pubkey.asc

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