On Sun, 16 Jan 2000, Christopher S. Swingley wrote:

>> The other poster has suggested removing setserial; is there anything 
>> bad that can result from it (i.e. what does setserial do on a laptop)?
>The reason the poster suggested that is because by default setserial
>will store and reload serial port configuration information before
>PCMCIA card services tries to load a serial port associated with the
>modem card you insert.  Often what happens is setserial assigns
>/dev/ttyS0 - /dev/ttyS3 and irqs 3 and 4.  When card services tries
>to allocate resources and interrupts to the PCMCIA modem card it can't
>find a free IRQ.
>I haven't tried this solution yet with 3.1.8, but I'll give it a shot
>tomorrow and see if I can get my Xircom modem to work with the latest

I (the original poster) went back to pcmcia-source 3.0.14 yesterday
and everything is up and running again. pcmcia-cs is 3.1.8-4 and
setserial is still installed.

Philip Lehman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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